
Winners of the 2022 Leadership & Social Responsibility Award

Nidec is a global leader in the comprehensive motor manufacturing industry. Founded in 1973 by Shigenobu Nagamori and three other engineers, the Kyoto-based company develops, produces, and sells a wide line of motors and electronic components—from small precision machinery to supersized motors. The units produced by the company are integrated in everyday devices such as smartphones, televisions, cameras, and cars.

The motor segment produced a range of fan motors that are used in game machines, home appliances, industrial systems, as well as small vibrating precision motors for smartphones and automotive motors for vehicles. Nidec is currently the global leader of the smartphone vibration motor market and the supplier of key components in the new Apple watch and iPhone 6S.

Nidec's CSR comprises business activities to conscientiously create products and technologies that contribute to society, and activities as a member of the regional community while eyeing its future. We hope to contribute to the global community with our products that spin and move, and support a prosperous society with a bright future.